There are those that seem to have a touch that nurtures anything they touch. They find a dying plant and the next time you see the faded leaves and drooping limbs they are reaching for the sky, full of life and hope. I always wonder what it takes to be one of the elect that are able to inject life into things that are dying. I usually struggle to keep vibrant, living plans alive!
Could it be that people with the touch talk to their plans, sharing with them their hopes and dreams for what could be? Do they verbalize the future with confidence and specifics? There are clearly some that approach the challenge with this step.
Is the magical ingredient that drives changes the small actions taken methodically, systematically, and thoroughly regardless of the short-term outlook of the situation? Does not giving up in itself constitute the missing ingredient when combined with water, fresh air, and sunshine?
Does the life that lies hidden within, not quite dead, almost at the final limits, find itself responding to love in spite of whatever happened yesterday? Do love and life conspire in conspiracy to survive and blossom when they are together? Can anything challenge the power of the two together?
“Good-tempered leaders invigorate lives; they’re like spring rain and sunshine.” (Proverbs 16.15)
Each person, you and I included, are dying in our fight to live. We struggle against odds that at times are overwhelming. Pain and heartache strike when we least expect it; almost as if life itself is fleeing before we have a chance to really and completely experience the good side of living. In this mess we carry the opportunity to be God’s touch in each other’s lives. We can combine our love with another person’s will to live and magically things happen. When hope is expressed, when confidence and words are given, as people reach out to a person in need something mysterious and God-like happens; restoration, new creation, and life.
You and I carry the touch. The question; are we willing to use it?