Everyone find it difficult to accept blame. Even if we are guilty it is difficult to even admit our responsibility. Some think this is merely an attribute of the young, I do not see any difference in the reaction to events by anyone at any age. When bad things happen someone is responsible. If things do not work out the automatic conclusion is that there must be forces at work. When differences come there must be a bad guy somewhere. In each case if “a+b” does not equal “c” then there must be an unknown and yet unidentified force at work.
The dilemma with the equation is that there is little or no proof that it is true all the time or even on a consistent basis. First, things happen. Second, sometimes a bad thing happens to one party that is beneficial for others. Third, people make choices that have outcomes. The link between choice and outcome is not good or bad, it just is. The outcome can be helpful or destructive or both helpful and destructive at the same time. The fact is that “people ruin their lives by their own stupidity, so why does God always get blamed?” (Proverbs 19.3)
Mollie is a great example. Leave food on the counter and her alone in the room? When you return it will be gone. Mollie is just being herself. She does not know better, has no idea that what she is doing is wrong, and is blissfully ignorant of the consequences of her action.
When I work late there are consequences. I often try to mitigate them however special occasions have come and gone without my presence. The company may benefit, but at what price?
When I gave my life to God I had no idea of what was going to happen. I can clearly see and testify to a link between this commitment and obstacles in life. I understand why, but that is not the point. Our choices have outcomes. The biggest question we face is with us every day; do we trust God?