It appears that it is the goal of everyone around me to get, be, or stay comfortable. Creature comforts that come with job success are clearly visible. I doubt that anyone within sight goes hungry at night, unless it is by choice. Everything that surrounds us is by design to help, entertain, or and provide. There is nothing in and of itself wrong with the aspiration to be comfortable, but I am beginning to wonder if there is anything right with it.
When I look at the lives of emerging adults I find them filled with traumas. Everyday brings more confusion, more opportunity, a bundle of slights, and unmerited gifts of mercy and love. How they can handle it? What will they face next? Are solutions to be found?
Youth know they do not have answers. They understand that life is overwhelming. They can see the present yet the next moment is held tightly in the mist of uncertainty. As they look around, searching for someone who is wiser, they find that often as not adults are pursuing their own agenda. The only solution is to seek help from a friend.
“Form your purpose by asking for counsel, then carry it out using all the help you can get.” (Proverbs 20.18)
For youth this works. I wonder when we formed the opinion that we could do it on our own. Was it the first time we trusted in a friend and things collapsed? I do not remember the first time; I can remember incredible moments of despair and the feeling that hope did not exist. Was it the first time we saw that others were as blind as we were?
I know everyone wants to be comfortable; I am the messenger of bad yet good news. Comfort and peace in this life are only going to be found in adversity, hardship, and uncertainty. We live in a war between good and evil. Good has won. The steps today and tomorrow are our opportunities to journey hand in hand with God and others fighting the same fights.