Everything was going according schedule. The flight from London to Singapore had left a bit late however by the time we were in a taxi at Changi airport we were ahead of our expectations. Even the extended pause at passport control where an English passport did not have the proper endorsement was no more than a few extra memories.
As we checked into the Fullerton Kalvin asked about our schedule.
“A quick step out for a light dinner and then I am calling it a night.”
As we were strolling along the Singapore River I easily remembered the smells and sights on my first stop by this spot. At the time the river was more of a spot where black liquid swirled and churned, threatening to give up its secrets should you ever get too close. I would have never been able to believe that I would grow up to walk the banks in quiet reflection.
The restaurants were on the prowl, seeking to educate and temp those passing with their pictures and promises of a great experience. An Indonesian/Chinese menu caught our attention and soon we found ourselves sitting down to a great meal. At the warmth of the evening and food settled it one could almost see an energy revival underway. Almost, but both of us were aware of what would come next.
“Don’t judge wine by its label, or its bouquet, or its full-bodied flavor. Judge it rather by the hangover it leaves you with—the splitting headache, the queasy stomach.” (Proverbs 23.31, 32) Wine, physical bodies after quick refreshments, or any initial evaluation often fails to show the complete picture.
Last night we called it an early night. I found myself fighting to stay awake during the short walk back. Fatigue and something more was catching up with me. The potential recipe of disaster was avoided for the moment. The refreshing call of rest prevailed, but I will be the first to admit that it does not always work this way.
Last night I chose God. Today the decision is fresh again.