As I grew up the word “posh” briefly came into my vocabulary. It was a word for an object’s actual or potential condition. I remember the world being used as a complement or positive statement of being. For a while it was popular and then other words came in to be used for the same situations. For years there was no reference; then I came to England.
The English use “posh” to describe a person’s behavior or talk. Additionally, it can also be used to describe the condition of any object. However the difference is that in current use it is rarely used in the positive. In particular if you talk with a “posh” accent you may not get a speaking role on television and it is a clear comment that precedes even more derogatory remarks about the individual and their attitude.
I knew a few posh people as I grew up. I have been accused of being posh. For all the arrogance the question that remains in the accusation is very important. Do I believe that I am more important and have inherently more value than the person next to me has? Is there some piece of data, or do I hold some possession of value, or is there something of particular note in my heredity that promotes the conclusion that I stand higher before other men and maybe even God? If you believe you are truly “posh” then the answer is a simple, blatant, and arrogant “yes”.
Wisdom’s warning is simple and direct. “Don’t be stuck-up and think you’re better than everyone else.” (Proverbs 30.13)
The facts are on the table. You and I come from our mother’s womb equal in value. You and I stand equal before God – He confirms this fact without condition or comment. Each has equal opportunity for recreation. And this is the heart of the matter.
What happens next is up to us. Will we pull others down in harmony with Evil or will we help our brothers and sisters along the journey and participate with God in recreation?