“Hello, hello, are you there.”
“Yes, hello, I am here, hello.”
“Hello, Good, hello, how are you, hello.”
“I’m fine, hello. How, hello, hello, are you, hello?”
So went the calls when I was young. You never knew when the static filled line was still connected so custom called for a mutual exchange of hellos to let the other know you were still connected, listening, and participating in the conversation. With digital mobile phones and broadband computer connections this type of communication seems like a comedy scene that has lost its flavor. Nobody believes that it was that way or that conversations occurred with as many or even more “hellos” injected to confirm participation.
During the last few weeks I have had several conversations where I now wonder if anyone was on the line with me. It is as if we never spoke. The verbal confirmations, the nodding heads, and the written follow-up sharing the details discussed have faded with time’s sun so that nothing is left even after such a short time. Was anybody listening to start with? Did anybody hear? Did hearing link up with comprehension?
Before this pot starts calling other kettles black there is a bit a honesty that needs to creep into my thoughts. Am I any different? Do think not on my urgent list get a serious play? Am I so far into my box that the only things that get through are ones that conform to the shape and size of what I see and understand?
God poses a rather blunt question. “Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches.” (Revelation 2.6)
The question is important. Even if we were not listening the question is still relevant in the present. Are we going to listen? The Spirit is here; bringing God’s vision, power, and healing to each.
God’s call comes with each morning. God’s call comes to you and to me. The Spirit is blowing – for you and for me. Listen, listen well for you life depends on what you hear.