There are so many patterns in my life. Some I enjoy however there are many that are frustrating, painful, and annoying beyond description! It is as if I have and will never learn the lessons of yesterday. I continue to find recurring choices of ignorance, decisions of self, and action that primarily hurt and destroy. One would easily conclude that anyone that became aware would stay aware but that isn’t the case.
Unfortunately I am not the only one stuck in these recurring patterns. As I look around me I find echoes playing out everywhere I look! Work, relationships between friends, and other organizations all have similar patterns. Given the number and frequency of these similar ripples in life it would be easy to conclude to that this is the norm and just get on with living. I can accept that patterns in our lives are far more common than we might believe or be aware of yet it is difficult for me to believe that we have to leave things the way they are. We can change!
My initial assumption was that the problem was merely a matter of information and being informed. “If only” was the theme of my reflection. As I read, continue to observe and reflect, I don’t think becoming more informed will change anything! This isn’t a matter of the head, it is a heart issue. The problem isn’t new. Look at God’s testimony almost two centuries old.
“Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches.” (Revelation 3.12)
The facts are there – a God of mercy, love, and blanket unconditional acceptance reaching out to each – yet something is still not connecting. In writing the next few words I am talking to myself as much as to anyone who might read these words.
Listen with your ears and your heart. Feel the Wind Words. Experience the Spirit. Let go, really let go and let God’s rhythm impact the beating of your heart. Feel this pattern. Listen to this pattern. Experience this pattern. Be informed.