“When is this going to end? When will it be finished?”
The questions come, regardless of the circumstances. You could be traveling, battling in a relationship, or trying to complete a project. In every circumstance the questions rear up and plant themselves right before your eyes.
When the focus is relationships it is difficult. Repairing broken relationships always take longer and demand more from us than we can anticipate. The obstacles are tougher to remove that they seem. The strength required seems to block any hope of the future. These statements apply to God just as easily as human relationships! When is it going to end? And, given how long I have been trying to maintain the relationships, when is God going to give up?
It is in the heart of the last question that our biggest fears in life reside. If God gives up on us then the question remains, is there any hope? Maybe God isn’t big enough for the problems. Could it be that God has found me lacking and as a result I might as well give up before we start? Perhaps God is distracted by the needs of others or the power of the evil side. If even a little piece of these three questions is true; then what hope should you or I even try to carry?
John had to be asking these questions. It would only have been natural. Weird sounds, animals, and events were a norm in the vision of Revelation. A third of the human race has already died blatantly rejecting God’s offers of love, compassion, and mercy. It would have been so easy to draw the curtain and call it quits. It wouldn’t be God’s fault; we just don’t have what it takes!
It was in one of these moments of fear, doubt, and opportunity that God did what God always does. “I saw another powerful Angel coming down out of Heaven wrapped in a cloud.” (Revelation 10.1) God acting relentlessly, passionately, and in ways the never end. Will God quit on you or me? Never!