In most wars the simple answer to the question of who won or wins is simple, nobody. We all lose. The number of current wars defies imagination. Usually we do not even know the names of the wars that are raging. We find the labels used to others use to sort and label them a mystery; conflicts, civil unrest, armed struggles, demonstrations, and terrorism all refer to what most know as war. Those in power declare “victory” while the body count continues. Take a look at the headlines over the course of a month. What you don’t remember today will appear once or twice as a small note in the global scene.
Meanwhile one continues to be asked to take sides. The struggle reaches out to all of us, asking us for a answer to the question of “who is right” in the hope that this will lead to “who will win”. Frequently we just don’t know. It all seems so confusing! Ask me the question about an emerging country in central Africa and I will be hard pressed to even know where the country is, much less who is going to win! Do I understand the issues? Do I have any firm ideas on the historical markers and underlying drivers? Does my opinion matter?
If this age of information overload perhaps your opinion and mine is usually lost. People ask but few care or wait for an answer. Others rally around the cause that you didn’t even know or cared existed. Another’s life and death is your morning breakfast dressing. Is anything really important?
Yes, some “things” are important. There are certain conflicts where our own lives depend on which side we choose! What may seem benign today will kill you and I tomorrow. Power today may not last. John saw that. “The Beast that once was …is…headed for Hell.” (Revelation 17.11) So John took a side, made a life commitment.
The questions are old, yesterday they were raging. Be careful, they are raging today and your answer can put your life at risk.