In the world of imagination that you and I live in ideas are the results for which everyone works. Without ideas whole departments are expendable. Without ideas legions of middle managers have no reason for exist. Without ideas everything continues as yesterday. While ideas usually come to life in presentation and casual conversations it is the ideas themselves that have the real power.
Far too many people worry about the small detail of ideas working. Far too often it doesn’t matter. If one pulls the right series of logical steps together the corporation will bow at a new and better ideas altar as quick as they can. It is easy to by cynical and ridicule anything new however some ideas have merit!
In my experience there is something different about new ideas that are truthful. Truthful is my way of describing something that is accurate, birthed through honorable and admirable motives and intent, and will work. If you sum the three components together and everything syncs up then the statement is truthful. When a new idea is truthful it has a power of its own. People know, I believe they can actually feel the difference. This doesn’t mean that everyone will automatically support the idea; if fact it may mean that they will never support or get behind it!
Real power comes with truth. Truthful new ideas are powerful, they have life. When new ideas meet open mind – look out! This means change is underway, from the inside out.
I wasn’t the first to observe this. John words led the echo to my experience. “He sets out the evidence of what he saw and heard in heaven. No one wants to deal with these facts. But anyone who examines this evidence will come to stake his life on this: that God himself is the truth.” (John 3.32, 33)
The question remains with you and I about how we are going to react to God’s radical ideas. Deny? Ignore? Embrace? The choice is here. My advice is to never ignore the evidence – see, examine, and experience.