Some pursuing God would like to believe that the pursuit will result in a smooth path. If the smooth path is not achievable, then the process will at least result in harmony between people who have met along the way. When everything is in conflict and harmony is far from reality, discouragement and disillusionment finds a home. If there is anything that my life in India has taught me it is simply that life is. The question that remains for all is what one will do with and in this life.
Painful and dangerous relationships and events are part of the journey. There are times that these are a direct result of our actions and activities, yet we are also innocent recipients as well. The question again remains, what will we do with what we have today? It is living in the present that our past tries to prevent or stop.
The challenge with knowing and understanding this is the paradox that pure intent and action does not automatically bring harmonious and peaceful results. We may try our beset, hold the community interest as our own, and strive to realize active compassion and still receive anger, frustration, and resentment in return. Our offers may be received with the wrong spirit. Life’s pain may color the scene so deeply that our light does not shine. Even the power of the truth we bring can be temporarily overwhelmed by the presence of evil.
In the old story of Jesus openly, honestly, and in compassion giving healing to an old man the facts “really set them [those not open to the truth] off. The Jews were now not only out to expose him; they were out to kill him. Not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was calling God his own Father, putting himself on a level with God.” (John 5.18)
The difficult question is how we will react. Will we let others control our life, in essence giving evil the opportunity to win? Alternatively, will we live out our values and priorities regardless of the cost?