Walking into a setup is not smart. Know when to get involved. If you are going to get involved, come prepared. Be ready. Do the right thing, the right way the first time. Know what you intend to do and be accountable. Whatever happens is what happens; you will always be able to live with your decisions.
I know all this. I have heard the themes repeated countless times. Yet somehow, someway, and for some-reason I choose to let this clump of wisdom repeated slip through my fingers.
A few days ago my plans were beginning to unravel, big-time! Everything I thought I had arranged and prepared for seemed to come unglued at I stood on the sidelines. Even booking an appointment was filled with mistakes, bad information, and unfortunate timing. As I watch the critical time and place slide right through my fingers I began to mentally grasp for any alternative. Surely there was something I could do to make this work! As the obvious dawned I realized that a simple postponement of my trip home would solve everything. For a moment I hesitated and verbalized my indecision to the people who were at the breakfast table. Without hesitation a friend on the right gave me the “look”. I instantly knew the obvious alternative was the obvious answer.
As I sit a week later wonder aloud as I face a whole new round of choices and decisions. At times it feels like I am traveling with Jesus as he “was going about his business in Galilee. [I feel exactly like he did when] He didn't want to travel in Judea because the Jews there were looking for a chance to kill him.” (John 7.1) Is everything around me a set-up or merely an opportunity to do the right thing? I may not be in physical danger yet I can sense the metaphoric dagger lingering just off the surface of my shoulder blades.
Seeking guidance is never a sign of weakness. Jesus spent hours in meditation and prayer. A model we would be wise to follow.
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