Acceptance is simply a choice, nothing more, nothing less. The problem comes with the rationale, logic, and situation surrounding the choice. Some choices are hard to make while others happen without our knowledge. The more the decision rests with our minds instead of our hearts, the closer the decision and potentially accepting the outcome becomes, but it still isn’t automatic. We continue to be condition to limits, boundaries and the known. Accepting what we don’t understand, cannot comprehend, or physically touch can be seriously difficult.
Remember falling in love? Did you choose or did it just somehow happen? I don’t remember deciding to fall in love. Yes, I will admit publicly announce to Cherry that I was in love was difficult. When I combine the two aspects together I find that my acceptance of what was already factual within my heart was quite difficult. I knew it was true but I was afraid. What if I wasn’t loved in return?
Life changing decisions are often problematic. It is natural to dislike change, especially when it involves the unknown. Falling in love is actually easier than changing jobs because one at least has a present indicator. When you keep going along the spectrum of decisions and acceptance where does God fall? Is it easy? Yes and no!
Imagine you hear Jesus says the following words. “My Father, the same One you say is your Father, put me here at this time and place of splendor. You haven't recognized him in this. But I have. If I, in false modesty, said I didn't know what was going on, I would be as much of a liar as you are. But I do know, and I am doing what he says.” (John 8.54, 55)
Even if I was witness of the peace that comes with acceptance it isn’t easy. The simple reason is that with the decision to accept a God of compassion comes with a battle between Love and Self (Evil). Fortunately we have a God on the front lines. Keep courage, the battle has already been won.
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