Are you willing to consider the impossible? Is there any room in your life for the unexpected? Could a possibility exist where things happen beyond your imagination? For most the answer to any and all of these questions is a guarded “no”. It isn’t that I want to limit my choices, I just can’t imagine beyond my imagination.
This may sound confusing but look around at the examples playing out in our lives. Politicians cannot imagine a world where they are not in control. The burden of taking a sport to the next level usually rests with the young. Breakthrough thinking often rests with the inexperienced and uninitiated. In each case the willingness to think the impossible, explore the unreachable, and listen beyond one’s imagination rests with those who don’t know it isn’t possible, reachable, or imaginable.
The problem isn’t new. When the experts of the time were questioning Jesus the conversation clearly indicated their lack of willingness to see beyond their immediate boundaries.
“The Jews said, ‘You're not even fifty years old—and Abraham saw you?’
‘Believe me,’ said Jesus, ‘I am who I am long before Abraham was anything.’” (John 8.57, 58)
Nothing could have shocked them more. This was impossible, ridiculous, and idiotic all in one motion! Their willingness to explore was zero to none. Even as I prepare to cast the first stone I find myself glancing in the mirror, wondering if I am different. What would I have done on that day? Am I really ready to take on new frontiers today?
Today we are stymied by problems of hunger, exploitation, and a host of wicked problems that defy categorization. Any and everywhere one looks there are people crying out for help! Where are the answers? Where is the hope? Where is the future?
It is in the conundrum of this moment that the light of old shines bright. Compassion, love, and mercy are the answers! Radical living, intense application, and new ways of walking the path are the “how” to the solution. I wonder; am I willing to live, to imagine?
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