I can remember the scene as if it was yesterday. It wasn’t one of my “best” moments. Actually the event probably ranks of one of my life’s most embarrassing scenes.
I was twenty-one. It was a warm, sunny, and perfect weather for a drive to the coast. The combination should have been perfect. Saturday afternoon, the car full of gas, friends, great driving conditions, a party waiting at the other end. We were young, full of hope, invincible! Everyone was the kind of friend who would always watch your back.
At we cruised we ended up behind a car on a winding road traveling just below the speed limit. We were naturally incensed at the inconvenience, arrogance, and impoliteness shown by the other driver. We were dumb enough to express our feelings by flashing our lights, driving far too close, and extending less than kind hand jesters. The processes escalated until all five of us were screaming out the open windows as I pulled up along side of the other car. Words flew, threats were made, and the gauntlet was laid down. As the other car pulled off the road for the showdown I asked everyone in the car if “we” were ready to stand tall even if it meant getting into a fight. As the car slid to a stop, my door flew open and I raced to confront the taller, bigger, and older man in the other car. As I got within a few steps I realized there were no sounds on the gravel behind me. Glancing over my shoulder I saw everyone in the car watching silently. The events that transpired next were simply ugly.
How many times have others gotten into situations needing a witness and friend only to find there was nobody. At least on one occasion when the questions flew, “the crowd that had been with him [Jesus] when he called Lazarus from the tomb, raising him from the dead, was there giving eyewitness accounts.” (John 12.17)
There are people needing help today. Are we in or out?
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