In the silent darkness of the night, in the stillness which comes when you are alone, and in the moments when we listen to our hearts, you and I hear our doubts. They are there. They are present. They are in the shadows and often in the forefront of our souls. As confident as the best are, he or she is not always sure. As arrogant as the beast within our souls can be, he is not always in charge. As solid our history and path has been, the future can seem muddy and slippery. In long and short, we carry, nurture, and respect doubts within.
Will the intent of our lives take us toward our heart’s desires? Can the outcome be closer than it was yesterday? Is there an assurance which comes from understanding one’s history, experience, and relationships?
I find hearing others talk about the “promise”, words like “Reassure the righteous that their good living will pay off. But doom to the wicked! Disaster! Everything they did will be done to them,” (Isaiah 3.10, 11) is helpful but never complete. Hearing genuine applause for one’s efforts is assuring. Again, it helps control doubt’s power and momentum but it is not enough. Sensing the depths of the relationships, the associated compassion and mercy, again strengthens one’s soul, but doubts still lurk.
In the midst of pain, angst, and doubts, there is beauty, awe, and wonder. Each faces extraordinary challenges yet along with the walls there are incredible tools which defy our understanding. You and I walk in the love of our relationships. We battle using the shield of mercy we have been given. We carry hope because of the faith in and around our hearts. Everything is positioned for success. The difference then, now, and in the future rests with our choice.
Will we accept Divinity’s gifts?
Will we give the gifts we have to those around us?
Will we step out with our doubts, trusting the strength we hold?
Everything is possible! In this moment we have doubts, and hope. We hold the keys.
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