It is really interesting to see God at work. Over time I’ve come to realize how little we see what is happening all around us. Divinity is at work – in lives and ways I traditionally could never imagine. The starting point is a simple one, however unintuitive as it might be. It is simply this; God loves each fully, passionately, and unconditionally just as and where we are. The way this loves plays out is extraordinary; in your life and mine, as well as everyone I have observed. God is working “love” in, out, and through the messy, ordinary, and odd moments of life.
I’ve seen this love in action in “kids” discovering and exploring life’s edges. I had always assumed they would need to make a move towards God before God would act. Not true. Divinity expresses love in openings life gives, providing hope when discouragement seems to be winning, giving assurance when despair has an upper hand, and shedding a bit of light for just the next step. The result can be heard in the music and conversation of Divinity’s children.
I continue to be surprised by where and how “miracles” occur. It is as if God has moved on from the saints, they’re not listening anyways, to those who are open to possibilities. I can see Divinity at work in the lives of truth seekers, even though the seekers don’t always know or label themselves as such. Who is pursuing compassionate actions? I don’t often find it with the saints. Who is “worried” about justice for those who are unable to defend themselves? Again the saints are usually quiet and satisfied with the status quo. Who is grabbling with the wicked problems of life? The answer should haunt any and everyone who considers his or her self God’s child.
In the midst of all this I find myself joining a writer of old. “I'll sing a ballad to the one I love, a love ballad about his vineyard: the one I love had a vineyard, a fine, well-placed vineyard.” (Isaiah 5.1) God’s amazing.
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