Sometimes we need to hear reality. We may feel terrible. We may believe we are responsible. We may not want to hear what we suspect might be true. We may fear our worst nightmares are really true. Regardless, we need the truth. The opposite extreme is also true. Bad things happen to good people. Accidents can be just that, accidents. Someone may be accountable but it may not be his or her fault. Even though we are frightened, the truth is the beginning of something wonderful; hope.
For me, one of the first steps in hearing the truth comes in the blues music I listen to early in the day. The angst of the human experience is real, for all of us. The pain and anguish of the day is present for many in ways we cannot be denied, ignored, and hidden. Yet, in and through all Hope is available. It is Divinity’s free and unconditional gift to you and I. The reality rests in the Hope each carries with his/her self at all times.
Sometimes we try to shield those we love, fear, or respect. Institutions, people in power, and those close to us often hear what we think they want to hear. There is a different model. One king could be bothered to ask God for anything. The prophet was blunt and candid. “Listen to this, government of David! It's bad enough that you make people tired with your pious, timid hypocrisies, but now you're making God tired.” (Isaiah 7.13) Because of his words a window of opportunity opened.
It is hard to remind people of the truth. Sometimes it makes things more difficult. On other occasions it is extremely hard to believe. Truth can threaten the very institutions we cherish. Yet the simple fact is this. The truth spoken with the right motive (process) is always the most important thing we hold within our souls. With truth Hope can grow. With truth Compassion can be realized. With truth we connect begin to move with God.
We hold Hope, Truth, and Opportunity within us.
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