Much of what we see and tell each other is a fa?ade. The landscaping around our house in California does little to reflect what is now “natural”. The clothes I wear are design to present and shape an specific image. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn’t. I cannot imagine what someone from centuries ago would say about the tools we use to alter what is. I imagine it would be one of admiration; for taking the attempts which worked yesterday to new levels. Yet the truth then and now remains – what you see is not really what is there and here.
Most of the time I don’t want know, see, or hear the truth; at least this is what I tell myself in order to rationalize what I am telling others. The truth hurts. I could be kinder if I shaped it in light of the people around me. The truth is embarrassing. My weaknesses and failings might be on display. The truth will reveal who and what I really am. Maybe people wouldn’t like or accept me.
Even the reasons for my actions are not based in the truth. I want to look good so I do good acts. I want to feel good so I help someone around me. I want to live an exciting life; isn’t it time to party?
When someone asked the tough questions – “What's going on here anyway? All this partying and noisemaking, shouting and cheering in the streets, the city noisy with celebrations! You have no brave soldiers to honor, no combat heroes to be proud of. Your leaders were all cowards, captured without even lifting a sword, a country of cowards captured escaping the battle.” (Isaiah 22.1-3) I knew I was in trouble! I was going to have to face the tough reality of real truth.
I wonder if I realize the fullness of the truth in my life. Yes there is junk, garbage, and ugliness. There is also wonder, beauty, and a God in love with me. Both sides are true – in my life and yours.
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