There is a wide reaction spectrum to feedback. On a personal level I have two stages of reaction and response. The first is simply that feedback is hard to take. It doesn’t matter if it is good or bad, strong or weak, I do not enjoy feedback. I find it cumbersome to be gracious (I think I am getting better) and difficult to take the lumps (I think I am getting better). It’s tough! The second part is, for me, much easier; reflecting, understanding, and then putting lessons into action. I am not suggestion I am good at the process. I simply understand that my nature is to, once a lesson is past, to analyze, understand, and then implement chance.
As I reflect on how others respond I find the full range of emotions, from blatant, obvious, and intense denial to and through blissful ignorance. On both extremes it is as if the mind refuses to hear, reflect, and even try to understand. Yet responding this way isn’t really new or different. Even in days of old, when “the Master, God-of-the-Angel-Armies, called out on that Day, called for a day of repentant tears, called you to dress in somber clothes of mourning. But what do you do? You throw a party! Eating and drinking and dancing in the streets! You barbecue bulls and sheep, and throw a huge feast—slabs of meat, kegs of beer. ‘Seize the day! Eat and drink! Tomorrow we die!’” (Isaiah 22.12, 13)
Reactions come from the foundation by which we view our souls. This is our personal, private, and emotional filled view. When we have a truth filled view we find ourselves holding incredible opportunities to move into the fullness of living. When we have something less it is increasingly difficult for us to hear, understand or do anything with the information we hold.
Let me share the truth of “who” you are. You are God’s child and beloved. You are priceless. You are loved, unconditionally, absolutely, and completely by God just as you are. This isn’t my feedback – its God’s.
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