I really enjoy anything creative; woodturning, writing, sculptures, photography, and even throwing a little paint all find a home with me. On most counts, I am not terribly good but that does not stop me from trying to be a perfectionist.
I catch myself working to make a bowl perfect. At some point, my technique has its limitation. If I insist on using a scraper, I will also tend to pull the end of the grain. No matter how careful I am, how much I sand, I know it is possible to turn a better bowl. The same attitude carries over to the pictures I take (I always see the flaws), anything I write (I cannot believe how sloppy I am), and every other creative task. I could be better. I should increase my skills. I know there is more of value inside. If only.
It is ironic how little any and every artist appreciates what comes from his or her hand. I catch myself in the critical loop. I know I need to see everything with a different eye. First, I need to forgive myself for what has already in the past. If God can say, “I've wiped the slate of all your wrongdoings. There's nothing left of your sins. Come back to me, come back. I've redeemed you.” (Isaiah 44.22) I should be able to follow Divinity’s intent.
Second, as I open myself to new possibilities – cutting with a gouge instead of scrapping, experimenting with new techniques instead of holding onto the old ones, trusting compassion and the Spirit for inspiration – I open myself up to doing everything differently (better). Granted this is far easier to write than do, yet the process of trying is the most important step one can take.
Third, everyone has something of beauty in his or her life. Granted it may be difficult to see, yet it is there. One may not have the energy to be aware, yet it is here. Life may do everything in his (her?) power to block one’s view, yet it is with us.
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