When someone is hurting, really hurting, it is easy to be merciful. The observation rolls off my tongue and even as the words form I know there is a caveat. My mercy wavers if the individual(s) involved “deserve” their situation. My sympathy stumbles if this is karma playing out in his or her life. My willingness to extend a hand slows if I think I have been wronged in the past or appropriate justice is being served. Compassion has limits, right?
I work in a building connected to an interlaced set of floors that extends in all directions. The shopping opportunities are almost endless! Electronics, food, clothing, watches, and much that I never imagined looking for are found in abundance. On the third floor connected to Tower 2 there is a section totally dedicated to items for children. Given Whitney and Carli’s ages, I do not often find myself wandering down through this section. Yet as I walked the corridor, I found myself reliving the wonder and joy of young children.
In the middle of a blissful reflection, the scene began to play out in front of my eyes. A child was totally out of control. The temper tantrum was on the verge of being as bad as anything I could imagine. It was well beyond anything I have every witnessed! The response of the two parent involved was and is beyond explanation. It was as if God was speaking through their actions; “when I looked again and saw what he was doing, I decided to heal him, lead him, and comfort him, creating a new language of praise for the mourners.” (Isaiah 57.18)
In this case and often in my own life, I have earned the reality of the pain and anguish I experience. My weaknesses haunt me. My choices come back to reap their rewards. The god within takes a terrible toll. Yet God’s response is always the same – restoration and recreation with compassion. As bad as things can be, you and I are God’s kids. It is a wonderful state of being.
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