There are periods in my life where everything blurs into a single unending day. Calendar days go by without notice. Light and darkness blur into a singular experience, often punctuated by long periods of a dull gray. Recently I passed through such a period. In many ways I wish could recall the specifics of the moments at hand. I look back, even as it is still in sight, and I find myself struggling to know if it was hot or cold. I do remember feeling something, I am just not sure I remember what. I was fully and completely in the moments at hand, unable to see behind or in front. Yet, I know there were and are changes occurring in and around my life.
Metaphorically, I see many going through the same blur of days as I. It is as if tiredness pervades our lives. It pulls and drags us into a routine. We respond, more out of habit, commitment, and obligation than an intentional act of willingness. I find myself steadied in the midst of the stream. One may assume that this period in one's life is a bad thing, something approaching depressive. I find the experience to be something quite different. Yes, it does drag on my soul. Yes, I do struggle with feelings of being overwhelmed and consumed. The soul's willingness to push on and through changes my perspective.
Difficult times are a fact of this life. Evil, the choices of others, and the lingering ripples of previous steps haunt our days. Even in the worst of the gray, the invitation to be a part of something new is always here. It comes in simple Divine invitations; “Get out of bed, Jerusalem! Wake up. Put your face in the sunlight. God's bright glory has risen for you.” (Isaiah 60.1) It continues with our choice and response. It is our movements that God finds life.
In every moment, we have an opportunity. An intentional act of kindness will make a difference – in the life you touch and more importantly, in your own.
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