New chapters, beginnings, and times are never as easy or as different as we think. There are threads that strengthen and challenge our ability to start fresh. It is hard for old habits to die. It is equally hard for new disciplines and habits to find themselves established in our lives. I find myself naturally cutting every thread from yesterday. Experience suggests that this is never the best course of action! There are good things in yesterday we need to hold onto as we toss the metaphorical junk.
One of my homes away from homes is Singapore. I have yet to be convinced that they have found the correct old versus new balance. The sadness I experienced as I walked through some quiet streets in Little India was almost overwhelming. I knew there is a compelling sales proposition for the new. I also know the new will last only a little while longer than what it is replacing. The simple challenge lies in what is being abandoned from yesterday. Did we really need to throw it all away? Could the beauty and architecture of yesterday be combined with the features and conveniences of today?
As I find myself in a significant turn, there is a common thread of yesterday that I know I need to hold close. It is a simple statement that I find myself turning to, as others have before me. The dialogue is strikingly familiar. “A Message. God's Word to Israel through Malachi: God said, 'I love you.' You [I] replied, 'Really? How have you loved us?' 'Look at history' (this is God's answer).” (Malachi 1.1-3a)
When I reflect I know with absolute certainty that God has and is active in my life. I can also see Divinity active in yours. I often lose sight, forgetting that this is true. Yet in the midst all the changes, chaos, and challenges, it is one of the most important threads that transcends your life and mine. God loves you. God loves me. We are family.
Today dawns, filled with threads from yesterday and opportunities.
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