There are certain conversations that only occur in private. Even as I write this, I realize that in many ways the conversations break into two distinct categories. The first is rather sad; any conversation that imposes evil on another is often kept private and confidential. When you read the words, “they sent them out of the room so they could work out a plan,” (Acts 4.15) you naturally assume that characters are up to no good! At the best, the two sides have different interests. At worst, one side or both are plotting to exploit, control, or impose their will on the other. Ideally, this would never be the case, yet we do not live in an ideal world.
The second is very different, when two individuals share from their heart, it is always personal and private. Ideally, this conversation could be done in an open fashion, yet we do not live a world where trust is universal. Levels of trust increase the potential of heart sharing, yet for an unrestricted flow from one heart to another, it seems that privacy is a necessary partner.
Today we live in a world inundated with conversation, noise, and communications of all types. Many, myself included at times, assume that God is primarily found in the noise of others. I find the best communication with God occurs in the quietness of a private relationship. Sometimes it is verbal. More often than not, the silent whisper of God is found in the ordinary around you and me. It is in the mundane, regular, and unnoticed moments of life that God speaks the loudest. It is a private conversation with target audience of one. God is intent in talking privately to you and me, conveying unlimited quantities of compassion, unending actions of mercy, and a passionate desire for community.
You and I have an opportunity to experience hope in our conversations about the ordinary. Sharing our hearts, the ways we see beauty and creativity in this world, and even life's pain, are ways we understand each other, Divinity, and ultimately Hope.
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