Employees have an interesting challenge with the team leaders and managers they work with. How does one convince or demonstrate that the instruction or message has gotten through. Obviously one always hopes that one's response to the conversation conveys a high level of acceptance. Clearly, it is a good thing when both parties walk away believing that the message came through, it was understood, and the appropriate response will follow. Yet, life rarely unfolds in idealistic ways. Life is messy. Communication is often more cloudy than anyone anticipates. Expectations exceed the reality that follows.
Everything in this situation pivots on the actions. Actions that follow the vision are incredible! They multiply hope. They amplify truth. They validate confidence. When actions match the vision that preceded them, both parties live in anticipation of the additional investment they know will come.
In my journey, I find that God is rarely different from the way you and I relate in Divine relationships. I am reluctant to suggest that my experience is a model of anything! There are many gaps in my walk with God. So many that I know there are only threads on which to build. Yet, I find that as I respond to God everything begins to build in exponential ways. I understand God's conversation. God gains confidence in my “yes”. What follows is mysterious yet compellingly powerful. With each step, I find myself longing to repeat an old model. In times of distress and uncertainty, individuals were “promptly obedient, they entered the Temple at daybreak and went on with their teaching.” (Acts 5.20)
Today is a fresh window for action. We could and can make a difference. Yesterday's actions can be lessons that do not need to burden our present. We can walk, striving to understand God's words, and live. We can act with love, acceptance, and in the best interest of the community we find ourselves in. We can respond to God and work towards a better future. In the process, we will find ourselves where we always hoped we might be – walking with God.
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