I see a fresh batch of twenty company health indicators everyday. At times, I think I understand. On many occasions, I know that I know I have no clue! What they indicate, exactly or even indicatively, I am not sure of. I will continue to look at them because they are what they are, indicators. I know that they are not definitive truth statements. I understand their meaning is open to questioning. While I trust their source, I am not sure of their intent. They are like many of life's indicators that I see. I would do well to look at these with an equally open mind.
I find that I, along with many others, like certainty. I want to know where I stand. I want to see where I am going. I need certainty in many aspects of my life. Whatever you and I might want or need, much of the time we are not certain where we stand or where we are. It is easy to be confused about where we are going. Even certainty is illusive, if only because of the inconsistencies that arise in our lives because of our actions! In the midst of this, there are telltales that give us leading indications of our heart's true values and priorities. Indicators paint a story that often defies our understanding.
The good news is that everyone is confused. Even the obvious rarely is. When “the chief of the Temple police and the high priests were puzzled. 'What's going on here anyway?'” (Acts 5.24) They were asking the obvious. The answer was as illusive then as it is now.
The awesome news is that indicators tell a story to anyone willing to listen. We can get an echo in our actions that will begin to tell us what we really believe and hold most precious. With these indicators, we can search our souls, seeing the truth, to give ourselves the best opportunity in the moment at hand. Never be afraid, indicators never write the story to come, they merely indicate the story already written.
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