Momentum is an elusive and often intangible. Teams of all types, athletic, corporate, and community, struggle to hold onto it. Seemingly with a will of its own, great teams can lose it without notice. Recapturing it is often difficult. It is as if the struggle and intent must come for a time for a team to discover that momentum has been with them for some time.
May and June are a great time for sports. Anywhere you care to look, something about to or is already happening. The Stanley Cup, Champion's League finals, NBA Championship series, baseball, F1, Nascar, and track competitions are just the beginning. As one watches, even on television one can find a sense of momentum building or running away. For those not paying attention, losing momentum means that one may lose the one change in a lifetime to be the best of the best in the contest at hand.
In the middle of the competitive spirit infusing life at the center and the edges, one often finds the sight of God problematic. Is Divinity present in it all? Does God care about the ordinary events in life? If so, how does one stay connected?
Life problems are rarely, if ever new. One commentator, admittedly this is a dated comment, noted that “not long ago Theudas made something of a splash, claiming to be somebody, and got about four hundred men to join him. He was killed, his followers dispersed, and nothing came of it. A little later, at the time of the census, Judas the Galilean appeared and acquired a following. He also fizzled out and the people following him were scattered to the four winds.” (Acts 5.37) As old as the references are, the questions remain unanswered. Am I picking a winner? Can I remain connected? How do we really win?
The answer is infuriatingly simple. The God of love, compassion, and mercy has already won. Embracing what God has already done is the best thing we can do. (Romans 12.2 paraphrased) In doing this, we win everything, no momentum required.
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