Experience suggests that there is an interesting difference between truth and fiction. Truth has an enduring quality that sustains itself in a way that fiction never does. Even among fiction, fiction that is infused with truth, often in the form of an allegory or parable, lasts longer than other story forms. It is as if there is an inherent resilience that supports and nurtures truth from within, as if it is was natural life form. I believe we can feel truth, even before we know that it exists. I find that persuasion takes on a very different tone when it is based on truth. Conversation and dialogue unfold differently, even if neither party is aware of its existence.
When I come to a new idea, patience is a viable way to evaluate its potential. The conversation within my mind given experience unfolds along the following lines. “If this program or this work is merely human, it will fall apart, but if it is of God, there is nothing you can do about it-and you better not be found fighting against God!” (Acts 5.39)
As the idea strengthens, nurturing those involved, I find myself moving forward with confidence that this is the right program to support. Being confident does not mean that everything will be smooth. Knowing that it is the right choice does not mean that others will easily see it the same way. Community rests in working together as well as doing what is best for the whole.
We have the freedom within our souls to choose truth over greed, truth over self, and truth over evil. It is a gift to each, direct from God. It is embedded and infused within what it means to be fully and completely human. The opportunity to display, model, and embrace truth is present within each moment. At times, one may find it hard to see truth; in these moments, one finds a Divine invitation to simply be present with God and truth.
Today is a new chapter in your story and mine. Truth will play its role.
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