The meeting was intense. Each person had a role to play. While the script was not firmly set, there was enough structure to the unfolding drama that everyone could anticipate the immediate steps ahead. As I reflected on the scene, it was incredible to see how everyone was playing to the stereotypes. There were the facilitators, cynics, and legalists. There were those just wanting everything to work without conflict or disagreement. We even had one that was purely and completely selfish.
The surprise came as questions were directed and pointed to one individual. As he answered, everyone was found his or her self riveted on the answer. What would he say? How would it change the course of everything to follow? Why would he say what he would say?
Even as the conversation unfolded, I found myself sitting in his shoes. Would I be willing to tell the truth? Would I testify of something consistent with my greatest dreams, of my highest priorities and values? Would I lift those around me or push them down?
In the aftermath and natural letdown after the meeting, the questions that had come up did not go away. Even as a new dawn unfolds, I wonder what today will be like. Will I stand up for compassion and hope? Will I answer with truth supported by action? Will I embrace other as accountable member of a community?
I know what happens if I do. It will be the same as an early incident, “as all those who sat on the High Council looked at Stephen, they found they couldn't take their eyes off him-his face was like the face of an angel.” (Acts 6.15) Truth filled with others in mind has that power. Truth filled with honorable intent changes lives.
Today's story will be written by your participation as well as my own. We determine what happens as we exercise freedom. Even in heartache, we can make a difference. In even pain, we can act with intentional purpose. Even in confusion, we can be a agent for something better.
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