If I look back over the past few months, everything seems to be sliding in the wrong direction. Economic confidence is sliding, fundamental ways of seeing life no longer seem to work, even accepted traditions no longer have the meaning they once did. If I let myself add the turmoil and uncertainty in my journey to the mix, things get downright ugly! Without trivializing any situation, at the macro or in the personal, I would like to suggest there is a bigger picture.
You and I live with access to food. Millions in this world go to sleep and start their day hungry. There is little in their life that suggests anything will be different in the coming days, weeks, and often years. Factually, all the evidence indicates that things will likely get far worse before anything changes.
You and I live in a community with people that care. Without a thought of malice, the communities that I belong to that have more than they know what to do with frequently behave as if they do not know what to do with what they have. In short, there is little thought of those outside, only of the self. Even our governments have grown tired of defending those unable to defend themselves. Unless they have something important to give, we seem to be willing to look away.
You and I have ample evidence that we belong. We are hugged and cherished. We have people in our lives that stand guard when we cannot.
In the context of the turmoil and pain in our lives, Hope is present in our lives. In the reality of the uncertainty of the days ahead, Freedom lives in the moment at hand. In the call to sacrifice, others near and far are giving far more than we are asked to give.
The promise of old remains constant today; “God said, 'I will step in and take care of those slaveholders and bring my people out so they can worship me in this place.'” (Acts 7.7) In this promise rests an open invitation.
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