Everywhere I look in Singapore, there are examples of people hustling. In the goal to compete, be first, and above all make money, nothing is left to chance. Every model that works is examined, studied, and copied. Business books are hot sellers. Networking is a prime pastime. Enjoying the quest is an obsession that few can avoid. Certain models are just emerging, internet based sales for example. Yet, almost every model that works and does not is on display.
I wish I could stay that because there are so many models that nobody fails in or at business. It would be interesting if I could add that people put into practice what they read, see, and experience. Both ideas are ideals, yet the reality is that businesses fail in Singapore as often as they do anywhere in the world. Bad ideas are touted as good ones. Poor business practices find their way into reality as if they have never existed. Even service frequently takes a vacation!
Singapore and the people that make of this community are not walking a new path. Communities and generations before them have fallen into the same trap, as do I. One writer noted “all this time our ancestors had a tent shrine for true worship, made to the exact specifications God provided Moses.” (Acts 7.44) The words that followed documented yet another failure.
With the emerging light of a new day, you and I are not bound to repeat yesterday's failures. We can learn from the models around us. We can rely on the support and mentoring extended by the Spirit. We can take on the best and learn from everything else. The opportunity is here. Models of success and failure are all around us. The question rests in our response to the opportunity the dawn brings.
You and I hold the freedom to choose our path. God's will is that we experience heaven in the moment at hand. The goal is God's. The question for us is simply the steps we will now take. Today is our chance at creation.
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