Lifestyle patterns, once established are hard to break. Infused with patterns are images, behaviors, and personal moments that suggest whatever has come before will continue to come again. When I think of John McEnroe and tennis, I see an image in my mind of a young, intense, and passionate tennis player. As the still morphs into a three dimension short filled with sound and movement, inevitably I find the scene moving to a winning point interlaced with an intense discussion about a particular line call. John is convicted of his view. He knows, better than anyone around him, what is at stake. He is not asking for special treatment, just transparent fairness! Crucial points are invitation to respond as he has on many occasions before. Decades later, even as a occasional player on the masters circuit, his passionate and behavior falls within his pattern.
I wonder if John could ever not respond when a crucial point was on the line. Could he give a point to another even though it was rightly his? Is there any chance that he could let go?
Even as the critic within begins to comment, I find that there is at least one (actually more) John parts to my life. Set up the situation correctly and a predictable response will follow! I will defend what is rightly mine. I will guard a position, even if a compromise might bring something greater. I will continue to be and do my pattern; I know it works.
I wonder how many forks I miss in the road that would take me to be even greater heights. I know I could be more than I am. As good as whatever has been, I can hear God telling me that there is more. “Change your ways-and now! Ask the Master to forgive you for trying to use God to make money.” (Acts 8.22)
Today is a fork in the road. We have the freedom to choose. I refuse to let my yesterday dictate my tomorrow. So much is possible in your life and mine.
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