In the past week, I have experienced great service along with other moments that I am merely an unknown body going through the process. The contrast, especially since the two best examples work beside each other in the same office, is stark. As I reflect, a harsh difference that emerges. I can feel the difference between good service and those that do not seem to care. I remember the emotions – frustration and a sense of peace tops the list – that blossomed during our interactions.
I found myself falling into the myth that information and would change or at least influence the interaction and my experience. Candidly, nothing changed when the person providing the service was more informed, education, and aware. Service is a reflection of our soul's values and priorities. Opportunities come, in the context of our priorities we respond. Interactions unfold, our values, especially when our relationship is with a stranger, dictate our actions.
Feedback on one's soul can be positive or difficult. In one instance, “the Spirit told Philip, 'Climb into the chariot.' Running up alongside, Philip heard the eunuch reading Isaiah and asked, 'Do you understand what you're reading?'” (Acts 8.29, 30) I know Philip's values centered on service, nurturing the relationships of those he touched.
This week, two women I have never met served a stranger with kindness and dignity. It was a powerful indictment of every instance where I have been impatient, harsh, or frustrated. I also felt that it was an invitation to see and reflect on the current values I cherish. Are they consistent with my ideals? Do they reflect my aspirations? Am I willing to deal with the reality of where I am today in order to reach where I want to be tomorrow?
The opportunity to serve others is one of our highest callings. We can make a difference, to others and in turn to our souls. We hold, in this moment, the opportunity to make the world a better place. Exercising our freedom is our singular contribution. In our choice, we destroy or build.
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