I still feel the vibration of twenty F1 cars passing on their first flying lap. Whatever you might think, it changes when you experience the speed, intensity, power, acceleration, and noise associated with the most advanced vehicles imaginable. The first wreck, a crash where wheels, spoilers, and everything that defines a racecar were gone, brought everything into perspective. Twenty men were risking their lives to show the world they were the best.
As I watched through sixty-one laps, I realized that they were unconditionally committed. As much as I might want to drive one of these cars, at least in my dreams, I know I do not have the courage, talent, or discipline to commit myself at this level. They do, I do not. They have, I have not. They are doing the stuff. I am sitting on the side wondering if I will ever muster the courage.
I wonder if I am only talking about racing. I know I am holding something back – at least with God. God is, candidly, offering you and I a ride in a spiritual F1. We can team up with the Holy Spirit and accomplish the impossible! We can live life right on the edge, achieving the best one can in this life. We can push things to the maximum, competing to distribute compassion, share mercy, and give life to acceptance. The call is to risk all, even at the cost of our lives.
Many do not make the commitment. It is not something you can say with words but not with heart. F1 drivers need to do both. When one man said yes to the call, “no sooner were the words out of his mouth than something like scales fell from Saul's eyes-he could see again! He got to his feet, was baptized, and sat down with them to a hearty meal.” (Acts 9.19) As simple as Saul's first few steps might seem, it was the beginning of a journey where he touched the world.
I have no idea about today; I do know I am willing.
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