I wonder how things would have been different if I could have seen what was going to unfold thirty years ago in San Francisco. Candidly, even if God has told me everything, I would have never believed. The story that unfolded had too many surprises. It had too many impossibilities, my analytical mind would have struggled with the creative art that became real. It came with too many wonderful, eclectic, and supportive friends. I could never imagine how large the family would become. Much of today came from San Francisco seeds.
My life is not unique. Your story and others began before we understood what was going on. On the playground, in our interaction with friends and those less so, and even in our time by ourselves, we make decisions that touch the rest of our lives. I know some with a love for baseball that came from a game on vacant lot. Others discovered the joy of skating, bike riding, or listening to music when they were just trying to pass the time.
It is important to reflect on yesterday, even those long ago. Knowing the story, understanding the perspective, and enjoying the outcome is part of being present in the moment at hand. God followers would do well to explore the spiritual story of our larger community. For some, it is important to “know the story of what happened in Judea. It began in Galilee after John preached a total life-change.” (Acts 10.37) For others, there are stories of other spiritual elders that can provide insights into our world today.
It is easy to be caught in yesterday, forgetting the simple yet often hidden truth that we are still sowing seeds for the future in the present. I am not sure that I am any more cognizant of the seeds I am planting today than I was when I was eight. Yet, in my wonder I can hear God’s gentle voice reminding me that the important things in life come in the what, how, and why of what I do, not in the result.