For all of our rhetoric about need, wanting, and pushing for change, it seems that we are relying on others to actually make the change. As I reflect, starting with myself, our actions tell the story of closely held beliefs. We may not know that we have these beliefs, but our actions say otherwise. They include the following. Once we vote, everything associated with government is the responsibility of someone else. If it does not affect my community, family, or person, then it is outside of my responsibility. We are a community and part of a family, yet in the end, it is everyone for him or herself!
I love to imagine a world where our beliefs as shown by our actions were different. If I look at the ideal, it would be a world where everyone had a Divine mission to make the world a better place. The mission could define our purpose, ideals, and tactics.
In this world, community and family would take precedence over anything we needed as individuals. Every conversation would start with others. We would define politics would by the common good instead of special groups or those with privilege. When the conversation turned to responsibilities, everyone would be held to account in terms of making a difference for others.
Hope would play a larger, more important role than our fears. The reality of life would be candidly discussed. However, our discussions would be framed by our Hopes and not our fears.
This is a world with individual empowerment, freedom, and the opportunity to make a difference. This is a world where beauty, awe, and wonder could be found in the ordinary events of every day. Individuals in this world where individuals knew they could make a difference.
Ironically, this world was and is here. In an old story, “some prophets came to Antioch from Jerusalem. One of them named Agabus stood up one day and, prompted by the Spirit, warned that a severe famine was about to devastate the country.” (Acts 11.27) He was anointed and empowered. So are we.