Some believed that decades of public service trumps personal integrity when it comes to paying taxes. I believe everyone in public office is accountable for her and his actions. The fact that these individuals were called out is a good sign of democracy holdings itself accountable. The facts that others were allowed to serve even with the evidence against them, is a sad comment on the role of power and status.
We need individuals in our lives that hold us accountable. Communities need those willing to hold the community to its ideals. When individuals or communities resist being called out, it is a significant warning flag.
Examples of blunt candor can be found in great leaders across history. “Saul (or Paul), full of the Holy Spirit and looking him straight in the eye, said, ‘You bag of wind, you parody of a devil—why, you stay up nights inventing schemes to cheat people out of God.’” (Acts 13.9) It may have been harsh, but it needed to be said. It may have not been well received, however it was something that those present needed to hear. It may have fueled a conflict; good and evil are always at war.
You and I need individuals in our lives that will hold us to account. We need family and friends that are willing to call us out! Ideally, we will respond with thankfulness. At our worst, we would do well to listen.
Today dawn comes with opportunities. In the midst of doing the right thing, our response will be filled with human weaknesses. The fact that we make mistakes or take a decision that could have been better should not surprise anyone. If we think we lived a perfect day, that alone is a call for reflection. Remaining ignorant is not a solution; we need individuals that will be the voice of God. The greater question is what we do when we become aware. Responding with humbleness is step one. Tending to relationships, taking corrective actions, and learning are part of what it means to have great lives.