Somehow, someway, we must find a way for open, honest, and candid conversation. Politically it may never be possible, but we must try! Corporations are dying because there is little truth within them. Communities are struggling to move in the right direction, haunted by agendas, maneuvers, and individual corruption. Our rhetoric is poisons by the need to look good. Our policies weakened by a lack of diligence during the creation process. Our outrage seems dramatic yet empty, because the truth is obvious to anyone willing to think critically.
The problem shows up when leaders never fail, although they do admit to being human. Our proposals seem empty because they were written in a panic, edited in a rush, and published with arrogance. Civil discourse, dialogue, and reasonable debate seemed to have left on holiday.
It all seems dark, yet everything rests in the moment we are in. We can take a risk and talk openly with each other. We can take time and reflect critically. We can be intentional in our actions. We can, because we hold freedom within us.
There are powerful examples of others who came before us. When “two apostles were there a long time, speaking freely, openly, and confidently as they presented the clear evidence of God's gifts, God corroborating their work with miracles and wonders.” (Acts 14.3) Truth has an amazing way of moving through barriers so it can be experienced. Openness with compassion is a gift to others that often empowers shared understanding. Confidence born of intentional kindness and love is a gift of hope.
Today’s problems are beyond your ability, and mine, to solve. We are not called to solve the world’s ills. We are called to make a difference in the time and place we find ourselves in. We can take time to nurture our souls. We can seize the opportunities within our grasp to love intensely. We can live with compassion, engaged in the business of living.
My warning is that this is not easy. The road can seem lonely; walk knowing that others are with you.