Just writing the title triggers a flood of great memories. My mouth begins to salivate. My stomach churns in a good way. My mind is flooded with a sense of peace and quietness. I can give witness to Truth saying – “when your bellies were full and your hearts happy, there was evidence of good beyond your doing.” (Acts 14.17) I have known the reality of this wisdom on more occasions than I can count.
When someone asked me about my greatest meal, I always asked for a qualifier. Traditional ones include cuisines, cities, or individuals. For Japanese, three restaurants come to mind – one in New York, another Tokyo, and the third in Singapore. For Chinese, Singapore, Hong Kong, and San Francisco all vie for top billing. For Italian, New York, Sardinia, and Lugano all compete. This list goes on – South Indian, Kerala, North Indian, Racqlette, Middle Eastern, and of course Vegetarian.
I know that I have the memories. At the heart of each are the friends that were an intimate part of the experience. I cannot remember a great meal that I had alone. It was and is always something experienced with others.
I know that my great meals did not come because I had deserved them. Great meals are evidence that there is good beyond my hands and abilities. The reasons are many, yet at the heart is the gift of others in making them what they were and are.
Life is full of wonderful surprises. We are part of something greater than ourselves. In times of distress, it may seem hard to remember the wonderful meals in our lives. When one is bombarded, it is good to take a break, find the company of others, and enjoy breaking bread together.
I have no idea what today will bring. I hope I can share a latte with another. I want to live, experience, and have an opportunity to remember. There is a lot of evidence that all this and more is within reach. The invitation is open – come on in, eat.