It was a unique moment – the opportunity to introduce someone to a new taste. The taste has been around for along time. Even though it is old, for those that have never tasted aged balsamic vinegar it is a wonderful experience. As we talked of its possible uses – on fresh fruit, aged and unique cheeses, and even ice cream – I found myself watching the facial expressions of those sitting around the table. There was a universal appreciation that transcended background, age, and experience.
As I reflect of the different experiences we share in life, many transcend culture, economics, and age. There is the taste of a perfect piece of fruit. The experience when one tastes the ideal piece of dessert. The beauty found in an incredible sunset. What happens to one’s heart when a young child looks at your and laughs with joy. The gift shared with a thank-you from the soul.
Sadly, our experience with God is often not part of the universal experiences we share. We use our differences to keep us apart, ignoring the shared transformation that occurs when truth touches our souls. We focus on the edges of our beliefs instead of celebrating what we share at the core. We build a wall between our views, refusing to reflect the honesty of our individual perspectives.
Then I hear God say that “I'll make it look like new so outsiders who seek will find, so they'll have a place to come to, all the pagan peoples included in what I'm doing.
” (Acts 15.17) This talks to me of universal possibilities. This highlights the opportunity to show respect to others on a journey with God. This even speaks to the universal invitation Truth is willing to give anyone willing to hear.
Today begins. I know it is filled with unknowns. You and I walk into the moment at hand holding an invitation to participate with others on her/his journey. We share a thirst to experience God. Helping each other along the way is at the heart of a call to action.
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