The force getting the three of us together was natural. Every time I reviewed a business concept, I left with positive responses. The feedback I took away was priceless. With these, I could refine the concept. While I believed, I did not trigger a commitment from anyone else.
Last week I saw a sign that something had changed. As I met over coffee with a friend to get background on a meeting I had with someone new, he brought up the business proposal. He wanted me to do something with it.
“What is missing?”
“Someone involved that is a SME and believes.”
“Then find him/her.”
I walked away asking myself the question, who believed?
There were two, possibly three who understood with their hearts as well as their minds. One is focused on corporate security. Another is consumed with launching his firm and brand. The third is a subject expert with maturity, insights, and passionate opinions. My target was clear.
We met over lunch for the first time as a group. It was an unusual mix of skills, backgrounds, and temperaments. I could feel shifting views yet I could not sense where they where going. Everything came to head with a series of questions.
“Bill, this is your idea and baby. Do you want to go for it or are we too early?”
“Go. The time is right.”
“Ok, if you are in, I am in.” Turning to his left, “Are you in?”
As the sequence played out, it was clear that I needed to be first. Others could follow. Belief leadership rests with those who believe. Spiritually, the longer one believes, the greater the invitation becomes. The good news for Christian believers is that “we have to wait our turn: Christ is first, then those with him at his Coming, the grand consummation when, after crushing the opposition, he hands over his kingdom to God the Father.” (1 Corinthians 15.23) The even better news is that Christ said yes; the second round is in. What remains is the next round – you and me.