I listened to a mentor answer the question of how to respond to a crisis. The hidden question was direct; “what would you suggest we do now”.
An hour later, I walked out of the room richer for my willingness to listen. As I thought about his words and stories, I realized that he had not put any sugar coat on the challenges ahead – big ones or small. His message did not center on what the challenges would be. He told us that if it is not one challenge it would be another. The question was always one of action. What we do with what we had?
His words left me feeling good about what lies ahead, others that will be involved, and myself. I do not imagine that we will be perfect. However, he reminded me of what we can do when we are our best! We have the potential to be the “tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, never dropping a leaf, always in blossom.” (Psalm 1.3)
Compliments are, for me, hard to accept. I may be partially blind, but I am aware of my weaknesses and failures. I have no doubt that God and others can see them as well. In this knowledge, the mentor started with reminding us what was within our control. The God I know always starts with reminding me of the facts – that you and I are God’s children, we belong, we are chosen. Divinity and yesterday’s mentor do not stop there. We are reminded that we have the freedom within us to act on our facts.
I came home to be blinded by surprising bad news. It hit hard. For a time I found myself overwhelmed. As the news sunk in, I realized that the facts and freedom that were with me earlier still remained. I am God’s child. I can make a positive difference – for others as well as for myself. The positive statements of whom and what you and I are come with Hope. We are change agents giving Compassion and Community life.