Making presentations has been a part of my work experience for decades. Recently I discovered that my experience had been limited. Traditionally, when I made presentations it was in the context of a larger community. Be it my team, division, or others with shared values, I was never totally on my own. I knew there were believers in and among the skeptics. I knew others had contributed to what I was going to say. Even as I stood on my own, I knew others were with me.
When you launch a company based on your ideas, making a presentation is quite different. There is limited to no “we” in the process. While others may have contributed at times, the ideas and value proposition are your own. The presentation stands or fails based on what you do. Even a one on one discussion feels different. One cannot rely on the fact that there are believers backing you up. In my case, there is no management depth for me to fall back on. Making a presentation is exhilarating and exhausting in equal measure!
As I approach another discussion and presentation, I am struggling to come to terms with my emotions. I know the moment is fast approaching. I know the moment of now will soon be here. I also know that whoever is one listening will ask some tough questions. Even if I come prepared, I also come with a sense of nervous excitement. It feels like “my accusers have packed the courtroom; it’s judgment time.” (Psalm 7.7)
In the quietness that comes with being alone, I know there are others who are with me. There are prayers being offered on my behalf. There are thoughts and best wishes that remain within. You and I are never alone, even when we are lonely. We are part of a family and community even when we stand by ourselves. As big or small as the moment at hand is, it is also the place where we can make a difference. The stage is set. It’s time to break a leg.