I am in the middle of an extended road trip. As I catch-up with old friends and meet new individuals, there is a recurring theme; where are we going? It is a subtle message that, with a few notable exceptions, most may not recognize that they are saying. I am in the mix with the most. I think I know where I am. I believe I know where I am going. Occasionally a bulb clicks and I see with extraordinary clarity. I do not know. I do not understand. I am wondering, hoping for clarity and hope.
I met a very good friend, someone that I deeply treasure. Early in our conversation, several who and when questions were asked. As I watched and listened for the response, I found myself looking in a mirror. When I am lost, at times I find it hard to admit it to anyone around me. I am also afraid, deeply. I do not know what will happen next. Will I walk in circles? Will I remain without my bearings?
As I reflect on what followed, there are two reminders that stay with me. Peace begins with expressing one’s fear. If one is at a loss for words, one can always use David’s plea as a model. “God, listen to my prayer, my cry – open your ears. Don’t be callous; just look at these tears of mine. I’m a stranger here. I don’t know my way – a migrant like my whole family.” (Psalm 39.12)
Peace grows when one is included in the journey with others. Community is a wonderful balm. Community with compassion accelerates the healing within us. As we talked I told stories from the old days. At one point I apologized for potentially embellishing the story.
“You never need to embellish. We were pretty crazy.”
Inclusion wonderfully brings more than our bodies together. In that simple phrase I found myself embraced emotionally, heart to heart. I was and am part of a story that continues. It is easy to forget so as a reminder, you are too.