As the question faded into silence, I found myself wrestling with a growing frustration. How many times was it going to take? How many ways could I answer the question? How and why did I need to go through the answer again?
“Do you have any idea what I am talking about?”
“Ok. Can I talk to someone that knows something about the subject?”
“I am willing to help. Can you explain it to me more simply?”
“I cannot think of words that would be any simpler. I am out of words. I give up. ”
As I left the conversation vexed, emotionally exhausted, and physically drained. Moments later, I found myself staring in the mirror preparing to shave. My body may have left the conversation but my mind was still replaying the words, searching for something better. In the process, Life reminded me of the obvious.
Even as I reminded the service rep for the x.0 time, recurring whispers played in the background. Was I that different? How many times do I need to be reminded of my calling? Even in my denial, the soft voice replayed old words; “You’re here to defend the defenseless, to make sure that underdogs get a fair break.” (Psalm 82.3)
Fast forward a few hours, an email arrived unannounced. “My same is Simon, I am reaching out to help. Can you tell me the problem?”
There was a surprise follow-up to my answer. “I understand. Can we talk so I can help you solve the problem?”
Four plus hours of frustration resolved in a matter of minutes. As I reflected, the reminding whispers continued to replay. I took advantage of the themes to embrace the opportunity to step into Simon’s shoes. I the process I rediscovered the following.
An opportunity is an opportunity no matter how many times it repeats.
Yesterday’s miss does need to be today’s response.
We do not need to know the answer in order to help.
Even if others will never see it, taking the positive action helps everyone.
Now is the time.