Today is the first day of a journey into the next chapter of a country. The founding fathers have passed or are in the twilight of their lives. The noise and pageantry of the golden jubilee celebration is a memory that many will always treasure. Whatever one thought the first part of the journey would be, we now know that we have come “through lonesome valleys, come upon brooks, discover cool springs and pools brimming with rain!” (Psalm 84.6) We remember the good, the choices that became near perfect with time, and the successes. The doubts, detours, and fears are distant memories.
Life reminds me in the quietness of the first morning that there is a relentless drumbeat that calls us to the present. In the end, it is the one thing that remains. We are in the moment. We are called to live – embracing the questions and uncertainties, taking decisions and putting them into action. As I listen to the rhythm and its call, let me suggest the following.
Starting with reflection brings the lessons of yesterday to mind along with an opportunity to know and embrace Hope. Hope is always with us. In the midst of dominating fears, overwhelming uncertainty, and nagging doubts, Hope’s extended arms are around us.
Now is a time to take bold, intentional steps. Your steps are uniquely your own as are mine. As we share the path, helping each other, struggling together, great things are possible! We can make a difference as we live out our best aspirations.
Our destinations are determined by the steps we take. It is a life well lived that becomes the goal, not measures of status or power. Success comes in the ways lives are touched with compassion and care. Outcomes are shaped through engaged empathy.
I have no idea where I will be in 10, 25 or 50 years. I do know I will have opportunities to be and make a difference. I pray I can seize them all, God willing. Taking action is a destination that leads to an even greater one.