Big words and simple actions often have big meanings. While I struggle along with everyone else with the meaning and understanding of the big words, I often ignore the story being told by actions. The small, not usually noticed, one get the least attention. I rush on, as if there is nothing to be heard. I act blissfully ignorant that there were any indicators left for any and everyone by my actions. When I finally look, I discover a fragile, mistake prone journey marked by action to mask and hide vulnerabilities. Emotions are buried or covered over. Weaknesses are hidden by bold moves and statements. Nothing is quite what it seems.
There are three reminders Life keeps repeating, asking, demanding, begging that I pay attention to.
Ignore your story at your own risk. There is much to be learned in every moment, no matter how big or small it might seem at the time. Seemingly casual choices can create big ripples. Non-thinking moments end up requiring lots of thought, reflecting, and action. Each moment, no matter how big or small, is as important as another. While the demands may be different, the reminder is that we only have the moment at hand. Everything else has already passed or is not yet here.
Help is a good thing. The strongest individuals needed help at some point. The greatest characters, marked by courage, valor, and strength, became and stayed that way because of others giving what was needed. I hear the Psalmist, “Keep me safe – haven’t I lived a good life? Help your servant – I’m depending on you!” (Psalm 86.2) It resonates because I know, especially through my actions, how vulnerable I am.
Weakness and failings do not need to determine the rest of life. The fact that we have weaknesses, some potentially fatal, is our realities. Not every outcome is a success, at times we fail. It is what we do with these, how we embrace healing and gifts, that determines the next step in our journey.
Yesterday’s actions lead to stories and today’s opportunities.