I grew up in a hurry. I realized I wanted all that life offered and wanted it yesterday! My vision was dominated by opportunities and being in life up to my neck and over my head. Obstacles were doorways. Mountains were places where one’s view improved. Things that knocked others back fuel my need to go faster and farther.
I still thirst for more. I also reflect and see much that could have been savored. I recall a sunset from the 41st floor of the Bank America building in San Francisco. To this day the emotions of those few moments linger. It was beyond stunning. It was beautiful, awe inspiring, peaceful, and a source of inspiration and hope. Even as I recall the emotional infilling, I remember my reactions and conversations within.
“Wow, this is amazing. I should stop but I imagine sunsets like this are a norm this high up. I will stop and reflect on the next one.”
In the years that followed, I never saw a sunset from the 41st floor that came close. While there were a few stunning ones, nothing approached the grandeur and inspiration of the one I observed and put aside.
I was recently reminded how fragile life is. As I savored the memories of those close to my heart, I realized that in my rush I have missed the good while being inundated by life’s darkness. I find myself appreciated moments of love, community, and beauty. They are life’s gifts in the midst of pain, uncertainty, and other works of evil. My prayer for others and myself often comes down to an echo of a Psalmist; “Make up for the bad times with some good times; we’ve seen enough evil to last a lifetime.” (Psalm 90.15)
Reminders for my day include the following.
Savor the moment. Beauty, awe, and gifts of grace are rarities. Each should be embraced and enjoyed.
Always be present. Yesterday is past, tomorrow Inshallah will come.
Keep reaching! There is more beauty and love than one can see. Always be open to more.