A single moment this year defined what I most appreciate at Christmas. While I do not want to sound dramatic, it was quietly defining. At the time, I was by myself, in the company of a doctor and nursing team that I have grown to trust. During the course of an otherwise routine procedure, my body reacted and for a brief period of time everything stopped. As I emerged from the overwhelming darkness, I had no idea where I was, why I was there, or even who the two individuals were around me. As I look back on the moment, even in my mind, I had names for others but none for myself.
In the moments that followed and especially on this day as I remember, I am thankful for two gifts. First is the gift of life. Second, the gift of a life that also has people who love me. These gifts make everything else secondary.
I am thankful because not everyone comes through life aware and knowing of that s/he is blessed and loved. I have missed telltales in the past. This year, life gifted me with reminders of what is most precious.
I am thankful to be aware of the promise that guards your heart and mine. The Psalmist reminds us; “Even though others succumb all around, drop like flies right and left, no harm will even graze you.” (Psalm 91.7) If we are aware and accept, our hearts are guarded.
I am thankful for another moment, specifically because it is an opportunity to give to others what has been freely given to me. I feel that I am a steward for the gifts that I have received. Part of my stewardship responsibilities is to live a life fully engaged, honoring the architect of the gift. The second stewardship role is to be an apprentice architect for the experience in the lives of others.
Today I remember with thanks. I am aware of the hope, dreams, and opportunities that come with this gift. My dream is to always share this gift without reservations.